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Health District Changes Meeting Dates, By Tom Eversole / June 8, 2022

At its meeting June 7, the Orcas Island Health District Board of Commissioners moved the dates of its regular meetings from the first Tuesday to the fourth Tuesday of the month starting June 28.  The move will allow more timely financial reporting as the District receives its financial reports from San Juan County around the 10th of each month.  The Commissioners hold Regular Meetings once a month.  Special Meetings also may be called as needed. 

Also at the meeting, Commissioners continued deliberation about a possible foundation that could apply private funding to the island’s health care needs in addition to public resources such as taxes, public grants and Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements.  That synergy could help assure that high quality health care is accessible to all community members in a financially sustainable and cost-effective manner.  

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