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Servicios de interpretación de Island Health : Medical Clinic Provides Care in Spanish, By Tom Eversole / November 11, 2022

In alignment with its strategic plan, Orcas Island Health Care District wants to make sure that members of our community know that language is not a barrier to care at Island Health Primary Care – Orcas.  Interpretation by phone is available and one of the clinic’s physician assistants is fluent in Spanish, see: Rachael Cleghorn, PA-C – Island Health

Servicios de interpretación de Island Health

Island Health tiene servicio de interpretación siempre que los pacientes y el personal lo necesiten. El servicio de interpretación telefónica está disponible los 7 días de la semana y las 24 horas del día. La interpretación del lenguaje de señas también está disponible a pedido y con cita previa. 

Island Health Interpreter Services

Island Health has interpretation service whenever patients and staff need it. Telephone interpretation service is available 7 days/week and 24 hours/day. Sign language interpretation is also available by request and by appointment.

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